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One Coat 7 generation

Etching & Bonding

One Coat 7 Universal is a light-cured, one-component bonding agent used with the self-etching, selectively etching, or total-etch technique for adhesive restoration.

Application techniques

  • Self-Etch: ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is applied on enamel and dentine.
  • Selective- Etch: Enamel is etched, and ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is applied to enamel and dentine.
  • Total-Etch: Enamel and dentine are etched, and ONE COAT 7 UNIVERSAL is applied to the enamel and dentine.

Content: 300 drops per bottle, 5ml

Manufacturer: Coltene Switzerland


There is no bundle for this product

One Coat 7 generation
cfy >
Al-Nahda St, Ramallah
Palestine P.O.BOX 529
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